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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 12, 2019 0:14:03 GMT
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There are times when Evan feels he isn't cut out for the endeavor he has taken upon himself by owning the bar. Reality is he's just not cut out for a life settled in to any one particular area like other people are. He's never lived the life style and even having a bed that's technically his feels weird. He's out of his element, the paper work in front of him is over bearing and he's drowning in the anxiety the entire situation gives him.

The man takes a deep breath and sets the papers down on the table he's been sequestered to for the rest of the evening. Recent events and other distractions have left him with various things he needs to address. Supply order, the weekly paper work for pay checks, an incident report because of that one unruly customer, repairs that he is determined to take care of in a timely manner instead of allowing to sit and grow worse- but it's hard for him to focus on the words.

Evan pulls the glass to his lips. He's not really one for drinking, let alone while doing something important but the heat of the liquid relaxes his nerves for a moment. He's been sipping on the same glass since he began and has barely gotten anywhere with it. The pen starts tapping the top of the table again as he looks the paper in front of him over. He may be busy mouthing the words on it to himself he still notices the individual that approaches the table. Everyone knows him at the Stray after all, and many of the regulars have become used to the site of him sitting alone in the back trying to get the work he keeps forgetting about done.

It's a slow night, and a little company is more likely to take the edge off his project anyway. "Evening." he comments, words sweet and gentle. "Having a good night?" black and red eyes glance up at the individual, if only to know who it is.

>>open thread <3

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POSTED ON Oct 25, 2019 16:59:44 GMT
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Today was one of those days, when the day felt impossibly long and there was a lot of paperwork to get the hell out of the way.

The transition to his new position wasn’t easy, and Arceus, his fingers felt like they were going to fall off from signing so. Many. Fucking. Papers! Who knew that being promoted involved a whole crap load of things that included fixing up all of his Arceus-damned paperwork?

At least the day was finally done, and he was looking to unwind. Ever since his favorite watering hole over in Mauville had closed down, he’d been frequenting this little hole in the wall over in Rustboro for some time now, slowly but surely working his way to some form of recognition by the locals over there.

…even if the place reminded him of things that should stay buried, he chose to tune that out and instead focused on finding his way towards the familiar façade of the Stray. Edging the door open, he slips inside—and it’s the usual crowd at the tables, around the bar…

Once he’s ordered his usual from one of the bartenders that knows him by sight, he decides to humor the owner and head on over to where he’s seated, unsurprisingly with a mountain of paperwork.

“Paperwork sucks, and it can die in a ditch,” he says by way of greeting.

“Honestly. Bane of my existence at work,” he adds with a bit of a huff.

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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2019 23:23:01 GMT
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He laughs, something quiet and gentle and happy. It almost doesn't fit, the small shaking of his shoulders and the sound like a cotton candy cloud shouldn't be coming from a man who looks so much like trouble walking.

"Nice to see you too Lars." the laughter trails off and settles in his tone, making something so sarcastic sound anything but. It seeps into the smile on his lips as he turns to the familiar face, a man that has become a regular at The Stray. Evan gestures at the seat across from him, an invitation for the other to sit. "I don't think it's that bad. Really it's more me that's the problem."

It was no small secret that Evan was often forgetful of the technicalities that came with his ownership of an establishment. Nearly everyone had long ago caught caught on to the truth- he was, himself, a stray. This part of the world was beyond him and trying to fit into it so late in his life was a trial in and of itself. If it weren't for the employees that stayed with him, the long time dwellers of the old home, Evan doubted he could keep the place together.

His eyes are back on the papers. Scanning words he knows and phrases he's seen too many times.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 27, 2019 0:08:42 GMT
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A PUMPKABOO FLOATS BY with a treat clasped underneath its tiny fangs. both of you receive the following:[break][break]
(note: you do not need to engage with the pumpkaboo icly).[break]

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 18:03:36 GMT
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“Hope you don’t mind,” he says, taking the offered spot and sitting himself squarely on it, in his free hand, the usual drink he would order. Nothing too fancy, just a Bramble with the perfect blackberry garnish on top. Setting it down near him with the coaster that was given to him at the bar, he looked at the mountain of papers.

“What, you forgot to get them done? Is it that time of the year again? Permits and all that shit?” he asks with a chuckle, checking his phone for a few moments before pocketing it once more, sure that nobody was going to disturb him this evening.

“Have—have you considered looking for an assistant to help you with the papers? I mean, with so many regulars here, pretty sure there’s someone that’s bound to have caught your attention. Or something like that, he adds a few moments later.

Much as he wanted to offer to be that person, he’d just gotten his promotion in, and his schedule with the courier service he worked with was being adjusted to fit around him being, well, one of the new Head Rangers to help with keeping the place under control from wild Pokémon attacks, or anything of the sort.

He just wasn’t sure yet if he was going to be deployed on the Western or Eastern side of Hoenn yet. Where was he going to bring the motorbike if ever?

“How much of that did you leave out until the last minute?” he asks after taking a sip from his drink. He was going to save the blackberry for much later.

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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 6:14:15 GMT
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Lars says assistant. Evan hears another person to keep track of and another person to get on his ass about doing stuff and he decides right then and there he will not be getting an assistant. He will be mastering the art of paperwork himself. Hopefully. Maybe. There's really no promises it will ever be more than a perpetual disaster but he's going to give it his all which is the best he can really offer.

As such, Evan makes the executive decision to ignore Lars' attempt to help and pretends he did not hear it at all. "I got distracted during one of my adventures so the pile's gotten to be a bit much." he looks up at the other man for a moment before looking back down at his papers. "And some of it is for the repairs on the building out back. The old man was using it as a storage shed but I want to bring it back up to par so it can be used for something. Haven't decided yet." it was a good sized building even if it was a mess.

He fills in some blanks on a form, finally certain of what he's supposed to be putting in them and double checks the info against a different sheet. The notes of his on look like gibberish to most, a rare academic recognizes the patterns in the scrawling but most simply write it off as some sort awkward short hand. He doesn't keep the fact that he learned reading and writing later in life than most a secret and it makes it easier to explain the nonsense of his note taking.

"I'd have an easier time with it if it didn't take so long to understand some of the language anyway. Legal documents are kind of convoluted don't you think?" it's not that he can't navigate the words and phrasing it's just that some times it takes him a little extra time to understand what exactly they mean or to be sure he's thinking of the right definition. Not to mention the effort he puts in to trying to get it right. He's not about to make the wrong move and have everything he's done here go down the drain.

Despite the conversation the idea of having an assistant still lingers in the back of his mind and makes him nervous. The glass finds itself in his hands again, the liquor smooth against his tongue but only a little. He's almost had enough to leave the rest of the papers for tomorrow night.

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POSTED ON Nov 18, 2019 13:23:55 GMT
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“Any kind of document would be stupid, honestly. ‘specially if you procrastinate on it… it really sucks, honestly,” he added with a grumble, fishing out the blackberry from his drink and popping it into his mouth.

Now that the tart treat in his drink was gone, it was time to knock down the rest of the contents in one go.

And that’s what he exactly did.

“Hey, don’t look at me I can’t read your handwriting,” he joked back, catching sight of one of the papers that had flown away from the stack as he retrieved it before returning it to the stack where he knew it had come from.

Now that his glass was empty, he took it back to the bar—but returned with a second serving, this time with a much-bigger blackberry.

“I don’t know if you’d take my advice or not, but yeah, think about it—if you have someone who can help with your paperwork, it would leave you more time to do things around the bar. Including with taking care of that building you mentioned out back, should be easier to get many things done when you have someone else helping you, right?”

Lars doesn’t mean to push the issue, he’s just offering advice at this point. Swirling the liquid around in the glass he’s holding, he takes another sip of the Bramble.

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POSTED ON Nov 19, 2019 0:27:24 GMT
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Evan nods along to what he says, a soft "thank you" in response to the return of his paper being all he says while he listens and chuckles when he makes a comment about his handwriting. His notes are a mess and he's fine with that because it lets him keep them to himself. A small wave of his hand brushes off th comment completely as the man walks away to acquire another drink.

A sip of his goes down before he signs another paper. The words start to make more sense when they're not the only think he is focused on. Some things you need to think hard about but Evan finds getting to stressed out about this part makes it take longer, he frets about it too much and gets far too caught up in whether or not he's made the right choice in words or if he's doing it the way he should be. It's not like when he's writing for a book. The notes don't help the way that does, he's not in constant contact with another individual to help him make sure it's just right.

The pen taps against the desk while Lars mentions getting help again, a small part of his knows it to be a worthwhile option but it's not as simple as that. "Maybe later." He leans forwards into the table ever so slightly, elbows settling at the edge of the tabletop, arms t stretched in front of him. He fidgets with the pen while he talks over the papers in front him. "The problem with that is then I have someone else doing the work for me. That free's up my time sure but if I don't understand the work they're doing for me first." he cuts himself off, making sure he says this the way he wants to get it across to the other man. "If I don't understand what they're doing for me first how can I be sure they're doing it right? A wrong move when laws are involved can be a problem. Even though this place could easily be labeled a historic building- it was going to be before I took it over- there are plenty who would take a mistake made to take over the place and destroy it to make way for their own plans. The old man was already dealing with that as he aged- people trying to take advantage of his years to get him to hand over the spot."

His brows furrow at the thought, there was little drama associated with the Stray but that did't change the fact that it's age was exactly that, old. Old enough that while the locals who called the place home wouldn't dare think of losing it the new blood had no such attachments and as the world continued to progress forward more and more places like this easily fell to the way side. "I'm really not ready to have another person I have to look out for, and I have to understand this part of my job so that I can take care of it properly. If I don't understand it then I'm at the mercy of someone else's mind if something comes up."

He retreats back into his seat, posture relaxing away from the seriousness of his own statements as he looks over the next paper in the stack that he's dealing with. It feels less overbearing now than it did before, the reason he is so determined fresh in his mind does not deter him like it might most. If anything his determination is renewed and will not be squandered or wasted. "Thank you for the suggestion though, I may look into it in the future."

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POSTED ON Nov 19, 2019 15:39:40 GMT
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I'm so sorry he's so snarky

“That’s fair, all things considered,” he hummed as he took another sip from the drink, letting the blackberry stew atop the ice. He loved to watch it laze on the frozen layer while he drained the alcoholic content.

He knew when his limits were, and he was still free enough for one more drink—the telltale sign of him having to stop was when his ears started to burn. But of course, that was only for gin-based drinks. Could you blame him for his eclectic tastes? Definitely not.

“You’d have to screen people and that would take days… considering how many people would come for even a part-time job. I don’t know why some people want to take out a piece of local history. It’s stupid, honestly, he agreed, shaking his head. “You’ve done well to keep them away so far, and I’m pretty sure the old man, wherever he is, greatly appreciates what you’re doing for him and the place,” he nodded.

He took another sip from the drink he had with him, watching Evan continue to work through the pile in front of him. “Why don’t you take a break from that pile?” he inquired innocently. He wondered if the other had a high alcoholic tolerance like he did.

Wait, that was stupid, of course he had to, he owned a bar for Arceus’s sake!

He then fished out his phone and flicked through the screens for a while, putting it back once he’d confirmed that there was nobody else looking for him this evening.

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POSTED ON Nov 21, 2019 21:00:39 GMT
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Somehow the distraction makes it not just easier to focus but to worry a little less about the overly technical nature of his papers. He still reads well enough to be sure of what he's going over but he feels much more at ease talking at the same time. It takes him a moment more when he spots something he's unsure about- splitting his attention like this but not being allowed to hyper focus on what he's doing keeps him from getting stressed.

It's for that reason he keeps going while the two talk, occasionally pausing to be sure he heard lars right before responding."I don't think i have it in me to go to that much effort at this point at all, I'm have enough of a time with having help for the building to begin with, though that's going well enough." it probably helped that Evan was young enough to really capitalize on what the Stray came about from to begin with- what it had been for him many years ago and many after. Every time he came to Hoenn when he was young he dropped by the place. He felt like he owed it to the building, to the soil, to the old man and the wood and stone walls. The history seeped from the place and it settles in his bones in a way that made him more comfortable than any other place ever has.

More comfortable than his own history, that was for sure.

"I like to think he would be, thank you for the sentiment." He smiles up at the other, genuinely pleased by the comment. "It can be rough, most just want to fill the area with more buildings they can place their branding on or make store fronts out of, some wanted to put apartments here because of the size of the plot I believe?" he doesn't remember for sure but he didn't really care what they wanted while the old man was alive and really doesn't care now that he's the one in charge. He's ripped up many an offer in front of a business man's face while on the clock and it has been a large part of what gained him traction with the old regulars.

Evan doesn't really look up at him until he says something about taking a break. Eyes squarely on him in a manner almost unsettling come from him, an eyebrow quirk accentuated further by the piercing that moves with the muscle and the slow grin that grows over his face, "What, getting jealous of the paperwork now?" an innocent jest laced with a chuckle as his pen taps the edge of a paper, waiting for a response. It is obvious even before Lars can answer that he is looking forward to the response.

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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2019 12:00:04 GMT
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he would rather burn paperwork in a ditch XD

He wanted to take a guess that the previous owner may have retired somewhere, but when he first started coming here, it was already Evan who was behind the bar, assisting the other bartender (who looked rather grumpy) who helped man the place.

He took a good guess as any that the other bartender didn’t like Evan, but he wasn’t going to say anything about that, at least not until he was asked directly.

“They should back off, you’ve already clearly made a point you’re not going to get rid of the place… what don’t they understand? he remarked with a snort. Honestly, what was with greed these days? Most people wanted land to put up useless things on them. It was rare enough looking for a nice cozy hole like this place. Capitalism was annoying, to say the least.

“I wouldn’t mind paperwork as long as it’s not anything I have to read. I’d rather sign papers to get them done. Because, paperwork is only for formality’s sake and that sucks, honestly. Why need paperwork if you already know what happened? What’s the point of paperwork asides from taking up so much space?” he said with a huff, downing the rest of the contents of his glass in one go.

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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2019 8:17:51 GMT
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There is a flash of something across his face as Evan contemplates the question, to answer honestly or brush it aside? He determines it is rhetorical or otherwise not truly meant for him and his opinion is best kept in his head. Most do not expect his opinions about such things to be much more than a shrug of his shoulders- the exact answer he gives his dear patron from across the table. And besides, such opinions are things he left far behind him a long time ago, to think too greatly about things that are not truly of his concern is to eat away at what is left of his soul by his own choice.

His pen moves from the papers to his lip, tapping away lightly beside the piercing and for a moment he thinks that perhaps it is time for another one. How long has it been? Not since new years last year and it's almost near years again. Right on time he supposes. He's lost in the thoughts and the soft click of the pen against the metal, a mixture of things to entertain his brain while Lars speaks to him. He presses it against hi lip before he answers, tone laced in mild disappoint because the comment has flown over Lars' head. "Formality and record keeping." it's a technical answer that brings his pen back to the papers in front of him with a gentle shrug, different from the last one. Before he was brushing the topic off, now he's answering it.

"Humans know a lot of things but they forget a lot of things too, they forget what they agreed to, what they accepted as the full story what they didn't- all kinds of things that they want to keep a record of to make sure everything is straight and proper." Evan sets the papers down on the table again, he's gotten through more of them than he expected to. His elbow makes its way to the wood and his chin settles on the heel of his hand, fingers curling in front of his chin.

"Of course we all know that's why. But as much as we like order we thrive in chaos and our own little bubbles just as well. Humanity is nothing if not a giant contradiction wrapped in nonsense." he chuckles, but there's something serious in his grin, as if it is a token of wisdom learned from too many things seen and too many things done. [or done to him, around him, in front of him, because of him]

"Why are we on such a serious topic anyway? You're not supposed to talk like this in a bar you're supposed to be laughing so hard you fall out of your chair!" His face brightens up like an exploding firework against the night, shifting from topic to topic like a leaf blown by in the wind. The man is nothing if not contagious in his whimsies. "You should have seen old man Thompson last night, the one from the metal work family from way back when in rustboro?" the other man is likely to know the old burly bastard without much more description, after all he's a regular that won't let anyone forget how once upon a time his family was the best metal workers the region had ever seen. "We had a comedian performing and he laughed so hard he had to sit on the floor the rest of the night so he wouldn't fall out of his chair!"

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2019 14:48:45 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



ahh yes some comedy!

“Did he break his chair, the big brute?” Lars remarked, finally cracking down, relieved that they were now going on a lighter tangent, something that definitely caught his interest.

“Gee, and I knew it wouldn’t take too long for that to actually happen—some of the little old ladies were cackling about how he almost upended the chair because he couldn’t sit still! I mean, you know how he laughs, right?” he continued; the old man in question was one of the long-time regulars, always going on to anyone who would listen about how his family, and the family that came before him, helped build the city into what it was today.

“Always so big on expressing himself, really. The way he laughs, it’s too infectious, you know what happens when he starts cracking a joke or two—everyone comes around and laughs along with him!”

He couldn’t help himself, banging the half-filled glass on the coaster he’d placed on the table.

“Honestly, I should see more of him when it’s comedy night here. When are those again? I know you don’t have a set schedule for that, but I’d like to know when you’d have a performance night or two here. I’m always drinking and you know it.”

Ah, yes… the subtleties.

He wasn’t going to let those slip by anymore.

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2019 20:57:01 GMT
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That was a little more like it. Not that he wasn't up for a serious conversation now and again because lengthy and true discussion was just as compelling. There were a few hitches on the route they were on. Mostly because while Evan didn't really believe in keeping up appearances he accepted he had to avoid certain topics at work for the sake of civility. Not that he wouldn't stand up for larger breeches of human decency (he had, more than once) but talks about personal opinions on human nature got dicey real fast.

Lars didn't really need to know how much of a pessimist and skeptic he was deep down. Not just yet at least. Most never really realized but the man was only about 90% smiles, laughter and go with the flow- the other 10% was like a hissing snake waiting in the bushes.

"Trust me, I've almost taken his chair away a couple of times to keep him from hurting himself. Would really rather not write that incident report for the records." he chuckles at the idea of it because he really doesn't want to have to deal with the technicalities of someone laughing out of their chair and hitting their head- not to mention the old man might just crack his head open at his age and that'd be a totally different ball game.

Evan shakes his head. "I swear, one of these days one of these old men is going to hurt themselves with these antics and cause me far too much trouble." he's not actually upset about it, and it's evident in his smile at the end of the comment. He reaches for his drink which has long since lost its chill. If Evan drank for enjoyment he might have cared but since he didn't the warmer taste didn't bother him enough to deter him. Technically he shouldn't be drinking it at all but he made certain exceptions to the rules now and again. (Evan never really followed the rules anyway- he was just good at pretending he did)

His eyes snapped to lars' glass and he almost smirks (almost) and wonders if he'll need to cut him off early too. It makes him chuckle against the glass before he sets his drink back down. "I believe there's one planned next week, they come and go. The comedy routines are popular enough but only do many comedians it seems." then again he hasn't gotten the place out there nearly as much as he would like to, he's been focusing more heavily on sprucing the place up first. Many of the base projects were out of the way and one of the biggest ones would be finished by the end of the year. By new years he's hoping to shift focus.

"I know I started listing them on one of the chalk boards but people keep moving it around, haven't got a clue where it went."

and by people we mean him, he keeps moving it around. And then forgetting where he put it. And then tripping on it later when he's not expecting it to be there.

But you don't need to know that part.

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POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 20:51:21 GMT
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Lars, getting drunk? Well...

“Someone keep an eye on them—asides from you, of course,” he joked back. Honestly, some of the older patrons of the Stray really knew how to liven up the place no matter what traveling act came by—however Lars always seemed to drop by when there was nobody performing on stage and everyone was busy drinking.

Or did he just have an incredibly bad sense of timing?

“Apparently I seem to come by whenever nobody’s on stage. I should… really fix that,” he mused, the hint of a grin on his face as he looked at his empty glass. Welp, no more Bramble for him tonight, he knew he still had to get his ass home on the motorbike which was parked not too far away from the Stray proper.

“Let me know when they come by. Apparently I have shit timing when it comes to these kinds of things,” he added a few moments later. He then slid the glass back, but held up his hand when the bartender made a move to make him another drink.

“Nah, I’m tapping out a little early. I have to bring my motorbike home and I’d rather avoid getting into an accident while I’m at it,” he continued as he saw gestures asking him if he wanted another glass.

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP